Smart Dynamic Contracts

Stabilize the grid with your customers’ devices and unlock new revenue streams

Podero steers your customers’ devices to create power reserves in batteries and hot water storage that can be traded on the balancing market.

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Be one of the first utilities to tap into the balancing energy markets with retail devices

Balancing energy is a missed revenue opportunity for most utilities in the industry and the barriers to entering the market are too high for most of your competitors.


Integrating a wide range of devices

You need to be able to integrate multiple devices from different manufacturers if you want to create a substantial energy pool that can generate revenue on the balancing markets.


Calculating customer earnings

To pass cost savings from participating in balancing energy markets on to your customers, you need to be able to calculate the associated earnings per customer, which almost no utility is equipped for.


Maximizing savings without harming customers

Reserving energy capacity within customer devices to create earnings can backfire when it comes at the expense of their living or driving comfort and personal preferences.


Gaining access to the most lucrative markets

The exclusivity of these markets makes them attractive, but that means most utilities don’t have the in-house solutions needed to gain access to the balancing markets and start trading.

How Podero helps access the lucrative balance energy markets with retail devices

Our platform integrates seamlessly with your existing infrastructure so you can be one of the first to access the balancing energy markets during this critical window of opportunity.

Turn customer devices into energy assets

After our platform steers your customers’ devices to build energy reserves for trading, our algorithms calculate the precise earnings per device so you can accurately pass on cost savings.

Build energy pools from multiple devices

Podero is compatible with hundreds of interconnected devices from 47 major manufacturers. This includes everything from EV chargers to home batteries and even heat pumps.

Keep your customers in the driver’s seat

With Podero’s balancing energy steering, customer preferences always come first. Our algorithms will work around their comfort levels to maximize balancing energy revenues for both you and them.

Access the market with our full support

We take on all aspects necessary for you to participate in the markets, leaving you to focus on your trading strategies and how you’ll improve customer relationships with your new revenue.

Podero’s software can steer every major device type

Podero enables devices that can’t typically participate on the balancing energy markets to start earning revenues on them, maximizing your trading potential with our advanced algorithms.


Air conditioners

Electric Cars

EV chargers



Leverage your Flexibility

Cut customer costs by more than 27.4% with our full product suite

When combined with our other product features, like our Home Energy Management System (HEMS) and energy balancing, utilities can help customers reduce up to a quarter of their energy costs.

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Want to see our balancing energy algorithms in action?

Contact us today to see how you can get set up to trade on the balancing market and turn your customers’ devices into energy assets.

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